Know Your Birds: Talking Fowl


Know Your Birds: Talking Fowl

breed. A genetically pure population having a common origin, similar body structure and other identifying characteristics, and the ability to reliably produce offspring with the same conformation and characteristics brood. To sit on eggs until they hatch or raise a batch of hatchlings.

hybrid. A population parented by hens of one breed and cocks of another breed — generally for the purpose of increased efficiency in egg production or rapid growth for meat production — having similar body structure and characteristics but not able to always produce chicks with these body traits.

straightbred. Also called purebred; a chicken of a single breed that has not been crossbred with any other breed

strain. Also called a line; a related population of chickens — which may be either straightbred or hybrid — having nearly identical conformation and other identifying characteristics that make them especially suitable for a specific purpose, such as meat production, egg production, or exhibition

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